Ahoy there, how are all you now? Long time since you've seen me yer?
Had exams, one left on Monday, but it's Techinical Graphics, which is the biggest load of shite for Junior Certificate. BUT I'LL NEVER HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN!
But fuck all this exam shit, I'll be posting new shit.
But I must tell you guys my epiphany I had during my Religion exam today. Lately I've been selling loads of stuff on Adverts.ie (Irish Marketplace) and I've been getting money.
Since I'll be spending the money on shite if I use it in real life, I decided to use it all to buy SHIT LOADS OF FUCKING MANGA!
On Amazon of course, so I can get free Delivery! :3
I was thinking of setting up another blog, just for fun.
Wouldn't know what it'd be on though! D:
And another idea I must tell you guys about, before I go, I have stuff to do, so a friend and myself, both were talking about how cool it would be to do an LP on Youtube, so we talked about it for a while, and had this idea to make 5 or more minute commentaries of games we love or hate. I think it'll be a good idea! :D
anyways, what do you guys think?
I have to go now, so I'll post on Saturday or Sunday!